safe live casino sites
Anyone who’s reading this article has more than likely never stepped foot in an online or mobile casinos doors, and if that’s the case we’re not too surprised to see you want to make sure everything’s above board and as safe as can be. Afterall, when it comes to a land based casino they’re in a fixed place with staff you can see and you get to hold the money. But with a live casino that’s not quite the case. With the exception of the dealer you don’t get to see the people who run the safe live casino, and when it comes to the money you’re trusting it with an unknown person – which would make anyone who doesn’t know the place a little weary.
Playing at a safe live casino
Hopefully though we’ll be able to convince you that everything here is as safe as can be and let you know just how you can go about keeping your money and your personal details safe. To be honest this won’t require a lot of effort from you as there’s only one or two things you need to do and if you do the checks safety will be the last thing on your mind.
If you were only here looking for a quick answer then we’ll tell you now live casinos are perfectly safe places to play and if you read on just a little more we’ll tell you how you can know for sure. The legitimacy of a site basically boils down to just one thing and that’s its license. There are many different licensing agencies in the world but if a site wants to offer its games to players in the UK then it must gain a license from the UK gambling commission.
To check if a safe live casino has a license all you need to do is scroll down to the bottom of the site’s page where they should have it clearly displayed. These are things that can’t be forged and if a site doesn’t have one you can bet it will be closed down near instantly. Now rather than telling you to just trust this license is all you need we’ll now go on to explain just how difficult it is to get a live casino license and why having one means that the site is as safe as any to play on.
When you apply for a license from the UK gambling commission they look into many different areas of your life but the first thing they do is check your identity. This is because they want to make sure they know exactly who they’re dealing with so they know they’ve got all the details correct and who it will all come back on.
Once they’ve established this they’ll then go on to look at that person’s criminal history looking for things such as claims of fraud or anything of the sort. If the person is clear in all areas the commission will then go on to look at the applicant’s financial situation. What they’re doing here is making sure the person in question can actually afford to run an online casino and can cover the costs of any jackpot wins on the site. It would be surprising if anyone made an application without having the money to do so but better safe than sorry we suppose.
Once all these checks have all been cleared the UK gambling commission can then go on to look at the safe live casino itself. There’s quite a few checks that need to be made here and the first place they’ll look is in all the coding of the site. Basically they’re looking for any bugs or anything the safe live casino might have added in that they shouldn’t have. If this is all good then the applicant has gone a long way towards being granted a license but the checks are not done yet.
After this the gambling commission are then going to look at all the games on the site looking mainly that they’re fair and that no one person or entity will have either an advantage or disadvantage in the games. This means checking things such as the random number generators and that the coding has all been done correctly. Since these games are usually built by separate software developers who don’t make an extra buck off a player’s wins or losses this usually doesn’t come up with any problems.
Once that’s complete the UK gambling commission will then take a look at all the bonuses and promotions that site is offering making sure they’re completely fair and not looking for a quick way to steal someone’s money. This means that when you see a bonus or promotion on a site with a UK license, you don’t have to worry you’re getting swindled although we would encourage you to always read the small print to see what the terms and conditions are.
The final check the gambling commission makes is regarding the business and it’s simply to make sure that the player funds and the business funds are kept separate. If you keep up to date with world news you’ll often hear of stories in other industries of CEO’s doing something similar to this with disastrous and this is something the UK gambling commission wants to make sure never happens here.
With all these tests passed the UK gambling commission will then happily approve a live casino’s application for a license. These licenses normally don’t last much longer than a year though as the commission want to make sure the same high standards are kept up at all times so live casinos must then reapply to have their license extended at which point all the same checks are done.
So if you ever want to make sure the live casino you’re playing at is safe and your money in particular is in good hands then simply scroll down to the bottom of a live casinos site and look for the license being proudly displayed!