Enter The World Of Double Returns With An Online Game Of Double Bonus Poker
Playing Poker has never been as fun as on an online casino. Besides the benefit of playing casino games from the comfort of our homes and on any of our electronic devices, Double Bonus Poker has made the casino game more fun and more profitable for the phone bill gambling players. A game, where an increase and double in returns is a guarantee for every player! Enjoy a large variety of phone bill casino games and then some!

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This Poker game is an online casino game presented by Microgaming and available to play anytime at Goldman Casino. A player utilizes a full deck. 5 cards are dealt during the initial hand while the rest of the cards are discarded. Players can retain as many cards as they want to build the strongest hand. The remaining playing cards are then discarded. They are then replaced with new cards from the same deck.
This phone bill gambling game is based on Better or Jacks except that it has lofty payouts for several combinations. Some of the combinations are:
- Aces: 4 of a kind
- 2, 3, and 4’s: 4 or a kind
- 5’s and Kings: 4 of a kind
For all four of a kind combinations, this Poker game will pay precisely twice the amount of coins paid in Bonus Poker. That is the main attractive feature of this game.
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The greatest winning opportunity in this phone bill gambling game is 10/7 Double Bonus Poker. This offers an expected return of 100.17% return. In short, a player will earn 10 coins for every coin game if the player has a Full House while 7 coins if the player has Flush. There are various versions of this game that offer other types of return depending on how the game is played. Win a large amount of money without any hassle.
As mentioned above, the main feature of this game is because of the payout that it gives its players.

Phone bill Gambling
Online sites such as Goldman Casino allows players to pay for casino games through phone bill credit. Most of UK’s phone providers allow players to deposit through phone bills. Paying through phone has several advantages such as:
- Security - The greatest advantage of pay by phone bill is that a player does not have to share his/her bank details with the website. This protects the sensitive information of the player and ensures privacy. Hackers cannot find out bank details of players through this payment method.
- Convenience - Recharging or funds or seeing if there is money in the bank before making a deposit is not necessary at all through this payment method. Everything Is handled on one bill with pay by phone, and there is no need for extra paperwork or filling out forms.
- Accessibility - A player does not have to open e-wallet and link it to the website. The process is easier, convenient and much faster by using mobile casino pay for it.
So, what are you waiting for? Try your hand at this Microgaming designed Double Bonus Poker at Goldman Casino today!
Phone Bill Gambling - Keep What You Win With Goldman Casino